Mobile money not working for me
I’m based in the UK and rely a lot on my banking app. Unfortunately it worked like a dream when I first used it in SA. Now back in the UK, it can’t do mobile money sending; simply dropping the request at the last minute with the app crashing every time. Can’t support my family while overseas unfortunately. App can do all other things except mobile money transfer. Means I can only send money by bank to bank transfer. I used the card to pay someone on WorldRemit and to this day, if I try an ATM withdrawal, it is rejected by the UK ATMs and my SA number receives an SMS that says I have exceeded my limit for the day. My limit is 10k by the way. logging in can be a small mission too: I once copied a mobile number to send money to and every time I try to log in, it still asks me where I want to paste hahaha and I have restarted my phone several times. Now I understand why people avoid some of these small banks