This app should be brought down.
Honestly speaking, this is the most bias and unfair solutions I’ve seen. You designed a product that put your strength (drivers) at the edge. Considering the recent hikes in fuel & unsafety issues that drivers has been experiencing. You decided to punish driver for managing the situations. Recently, a young man was apprehended by Nigeria Police that killed bolt driver, I doubt it if bolt supported or engaged the police for any purpose. Yet when driver use their discretion on job you punished the driver by suspending their account. Dear drivers, This miserable app is not for you until you realized your strength, they keep messing with you. Kindly gives the strength to other solutions. Let’s same thing that happens to taxify can happens to bolt. I read a lot of reviews here. For over 2years this company didn’t respond to the reviews. And iOS allowed them to make changes on their apps. Dear Apple, this solutions is doing more harm than good. Many has lost their lives and the management didn’t not care about the drivers. Do your diligence and take necessary action.