The game is too greedy, and the newest update to come is the worst.
They are teasing of a new rarity called "ancient+" which include all "ancient" rarity characters upgraded. This so called "ancient+" released after the update that released a new rarity called "beast" rarity. The problem? Its way too pay to win. The normal ancients will be now outclassed by their "+" counterpart which to get are the same chances as beast rarity AND THE BEAST RARITY CHARACTERS ARE VERY HARD TO GET, YOU NEED TO PAY TO GET IT BUT EVEN WHEN YOU PAY YOU STILL WONT GET IT. YOU NEED TO GET THE PITY OR EXTREMELY LUCKY. ALMOST THE WHOLE PLAYER BASE IS BOYCOTTING THIS GAME BECAUSE OF ITS GREEDY DEVELOPERS. THIS GAME IS UNBALANCED, EVERY "Epic" RARITY COOKIE OUTCLASSES ONE ANOTHER AND THEY HAVE "rare" AND "common" RARITY COOKIES BUT THEY HAVENT RELEASED A NEW "rare" OR "common" RARITY COOKIE SINCE THE RELEASE. THEY NEVER BUFFED ANYONE EXCEPT BLACKBERY, WHICH IS STILL USELESS, EVERY UPDATE THEY RELEASE A COOKIE THAT BREAKS THE WHOLE GAME. THATS IT. I AM DONE. NEVER.EVER.DOWNLOAD.THIS.GAME