£99 for lifetime, Sorry but no chance
I’ve been following panic for a very long time, since the beginning of the early days of transit on the Mac, the software has always been one out of a handful of developers that set the bar high for decently designed software and as such I bought Prompt at £5.99 and Prompt 2 at £9.99 but I won’t be buying Prompt 3 for £99, this pricing is simply ridiculous for a single piece of software. At the end of the day this is a terminal application it’s not that special and there are plenty of alternatives that get the job done that are completely free, panics efforts dont warrant this price tag. Especially when after a couple of years, they’ll just remove it from the App Store and try to re-fleece you on the next version and your “lifetime” purchase won’t mean zip. All the apps doing this on the App Store are essentially false advertising and stealing from you. Greed is not a good look gentleman. Do better.