Apply for refund, you get banned
This is the email I received after they retaliated by banning my account because I exercised my right to an Apple refund for things that doesn’t work. I still have half a month of subscription remaining. 「Hi! We see that you have purchased 1 gift, and used it, after what performed a refund of it. That isn’t what playing fair looks like. In Pure we don’t like cheaters, so, yes, sorry, that’s why we had to ban you. Kind regards, Veronika Pure Team」 The App Store representative replied to my review as if all the issues were my fault, citing rules they never even mentioned in their email (including one that is actually their own rule). In fact, in the email, Veronika wrote, "You don't play fair, we don't like cheaters," which suggests that there was no specific rule at that moment—they simply didn't like that I applied for a refund. The reality is, you can't see how many people are using the app in your area before purchasing a subscription. What happens if you pay and then discover there aren't many users in your city? Naturally, you ask for a refund! But they label you as a cheater and try to make others believe you broke their rules. Fun facts! When you spend 25euro/month and refund the subscription, they offer a deal of 8euro/month, like people spend 25 are dumb. So who is not playing fair? ;)