More helpful for films than for shows
I use this app constantly but it needs improvements to the point I’m considering looking to alternative apps for the same functions. They recently made it easier (in theory) to find shows that are on your sources, but good luck if one of your sources is Prime video or another service that sometimes promotes with a free pilot episode only; I am constantly seeing the icon that makes it look like a series is on one of my subscriptions only for this to only apply to an episode or season I’ve already seen, because the pilot is where they pull the source from regardless of where you’ve marked your progress. The icons are generally annoyingly arbitrary, most likely boosted by promotional money, but if there were a way to indicate multiple sources at first glance that would be so much better. I hate the shift towards poster images being the only way to see a movie’s title (surely this creates accessibility problems?) as well as the ratings not appearing in the thumbnails. I hate that they took away the RT ratings too. The library is extensive, but occasionally I will go looking for something which isn’t in the database so I have to list it on my watchlist for letterboxd instead. This doesn’t happen too often though.