Even though clients go to the website and they fill in the contact form if they go to the chat window and they fill in the form they show up as a visitor # constantly. Also, when you get spam going on the website and you write click and click on Spam They keep coming back constantly so their IP address is not blocked or banned. Neither is the email so we are constantly being bombarded by spammers. You need to fix up the security on the website so if you do click report as spam they can’t contact us again. It’s the same details all the time. Just for the past week I have been trying to create a blog using the app and every time I click on blog a page appears within an announcement saying technical issues or technical problems. Try again later! I don’t know what you mean by later because I’ve been trying for over a week already. But with all the money that I’m out laying for this, I expect to be able to work with the website instead of having these constant issues all the time! I’m also annoyed that the broadcast message does not work properly! You have to go and individually click every single client on the website and we’ve got nearly 2000 clients there and then only once we’ve sent a broadcast message we have all these errors showing up that it couldn’t go through. So we have to manually click on every single one individually to send through a broadcast message which should only take one minute to do but ends up taking 2 1/2 hours because we have to go through them every single one individually clicking them and then resending it from the browser! you should have a bulk button that you can click for all the members on the website to receive a broadcast message.