Too little software features, for even the latest Eero Router product - Eero Max 7 model. Even the basic speed test in the app (to measure the direct connection values, from the telco, directly), is not working at all. My gut feelings, tell me that the hardware capabilities of this, is way overrated (from marketing), than what it truly can do - which is likely further confirmed, with poor software features, that likely is trying to hide its weak hardware capabilities, accordingly, as well (other than perhaps having a weak software “team”, to create enough “proper” features, for it, that is perhaps on other devices, on the market, accordingly (such as Asus brands). Very basic features, such as the option to split the various WiFi bands (2.4Ghz, 5Ghz and 6Ghz), into multiple “WiFi” SSiD “channels”, and perhaps the more “advanced”options, to manually change the WiFi channel settings, in general, or for each connected device, manually, is non-existent. The only reason why I got this Router, is because it is the “cheapest”, “most basic” and only router, for the capabilities for my current Home Broadband plan, that my telco, is only having, as the option for the router that comes with it.