Trip Notification information
When we receive a notification for a new trip why there is no ETA next to the miles shown from picking up the customer to his/her destination. I see this way more important for a driver to determine if the trip worth his/her time compared to the holiday pay which the app is currently showing. Holiday pay is important for us to know how it’s been calculated and being able to review it but it’s not necessary to see it before accepting a trip. Second question is why there is such a limited time for reaction when a new trip is offered? A driver needs to pay attention to the road, engage with a customer in some situations and read, calculate and determine if the new trip is worth her/his time in a matter of a few seconds. Don’t you think that’s quite dangerous for both the customer and the driver? If you say that we should pull over and then accept/reject a trip, in theory sounds great but in practice doesn’t work because the time for reaction is too short. In order to pull over safely and react we need a longer reaction time. Please fix those issues to ensure maximum safety and reduce the percentage of cancelled trips from drivers who accepted a trip because of very limited time for reaction resulting in poor judgement and then cancelling it after rethinking it properly .